

World Economic Outlook in Autumn 2024: Monetary Easing and Geopolitical Tensions

DG Trésor predicts that global growth will reach 3.2% in 2024 and 3.4% in 2025. Increasing activity reflects the impact of monetary easing and the rebound in trade. Global activity is projected to be driven primarily by emerging economies despite the slowdown in China. In advanced countries, growth is envisaged to remain strong in the United States and more moderate in the euro area. Geopolitical... Lire la suite


The Impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom's Economy

The UK’s withdrawal from the EU, which was voted for in 2016 and which became effective on 1 January 2021, has affected the British economy through three main channels. Trade with the EU has suffered, temporarily for goods and more lastingly for services. Business investment has declined since 2016 against a backdrop of uncertainty. The strain on the labour market has been heightened by lower empl... Lire la suite


The Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology which has the potential to generate significant productivity gains that still go largely undetected at macroeconomic level, due to firms’ limited adoption of AI. Its impact on employment is more uncertain, although it could affect high-skill jobs to a greater extent than in the previous technological revolutions. Education, training and competition poli... Lire la suite


The Dual Income Tax System in Sweden

Sweden was the first country to adopt a dual income tax system, with the progressive taxation of earned income and the flat-rate tax for capital income, under the 1991 tax reform. This reform, which set out to lower taxes and broaden tax bases, has had a positive long-term impact on business investment and labour supply. It was then followed by a significant cut in aggregate tax and social securit... Lire la suite


Unequal Access to Day Nurseries and Related Economic Issues

Formal childcare for young children before they start nursery school (école maternelle) has a dual objective: to support parents’ professional activity and to foster children’s cognitive development. Whilst the current shortfall in the childcare offering in France hampers the reduction of social and gender inequality, a number of measures are increasing recourse to childcare in day nurseries (crèc... Lire la suite