
French Treasury's publications

Read the Chief Economist at the French Treasury's blog posts, with insights and analysis on the French economy. Read >>

Our Trésor-Economics series aims to provide a synthetic economic perspective on important or topical subjects. Read >>

Our Working Papers series presents studies or research carried out at the French Treasury. Read >>

Our latest news. Read >>


The French Treasury's organization

Our mission is to advise the government and act in the service of an innovative and inclusive French economy, promoting sustainable growth in a more efficient Europe in the face of global challenges.

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Our departments >>

The French Treasury abroad

Billets ABQ

Working together with our central departments, our international network caters for the government’s requirements in terms of economic intelligence, international negotiations, and macroeconomic, financial and public policy analysis. It also provides support for companies as they expand abroad.

Read more about our Economic departments abroad >>

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