

Japanification: a Risk for China’s Economy?

China’s decline in growth is characterised by growing imbalances between the prioritisation of industry and investment on one hand and low consumption and the property crisis on the other. While this situation is reminiscent of 1990s Japan, which suffered a weak growth rate and low inflation, China’s economic slowdown could be less severe if its growth model is rebalanced.... Lire la suite


How Dependent Are Emerging Market Economies on China's Growth?

Emerging economies, especially Asian countries and commodity exporters, are the most vulnerable to the structural slowdown in Chinese growth, due to their high degree of trade and financial dependence on China (loans, FDI). They are expected to be affected by falling Chinese demand and the resulting impact on commodity prices, as well as by gradual, ongoing cuts to Chinese financing.... Lire la suite


Interest Rates, Growth and Public Debt Sustainability

The trajectory of public debt as a percentage of GDP depends on the accumulation of annual primary public balances and the spread between interest rates and growth rates. Historically, in France and in the major advanced countries, this gap has been highly volatile, alternating between positive and negative periods. Analysis of the conditions that have enabled debt ratios to be reduced in the past... Lire la suite


Southern Africa Economic Dashboard

A recovery in regional economic growth unevenly distributed among the countries of the region The latest IMF data released in April 2018 (World Economic Outlook, April 2018) confirms an increase in sub-Saharan Africa economic growth from 0.7% in 2016 to 1.4% last year, which is higher (by 0.1 percentage point) to last October's forecast, and expect an upward trend with + 1.9% in 2018. Nevertheles... Lire la suite


Trade openness, growth and inequalities

Les Entretiens du Trésor is a yearly conference which focuses on a key economic issue and its associated policy challenges. This event is hosted by the French Treasury, at the Ministry for the Economy and Finance. Theme of the 2017 edition : “Trade openness, growth and inequalities”.⇒ French version Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economics highlighted that doubts from the academic world have emer... Lire la suite