

The Tibi Initiative : Phase-2 and Perspectives

Since 2019, the Tibi initiative has been encouraging institutional investors to invest in the most innovative technology companies. Its Phase 2 (2023-2026) was launched in June 2023 to increase the number of partner investors and to amplify the volume of their commitments. In May 2024, five new investors joined the community of partner investors, bringing their number to 35.... Lire la suite


Brèves économiques des Pays nordiques n°67

L’actualité économique et financière dans les pays nordiques.... Lire la suite


Second Meeting of the Creditor Committee for Zambia under the Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI

The creditor committee for Zambia formed by countries with eligible claims on Zambia, and co-chaired by China and France (South Africa acting as a vice-chair) (hereinafter “the creditor committee”) met virtually on July 18, 2022, in presence of the IMF staff and the World Bank staff.... Lire la suite


Council agrees on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

On Tuesday 15 March, the Council reached agreement (general approach) on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation, which is one of the key elements of the European Union’s ‘Fit for 55’ package. The main objective of this environmental measure is to avoid carbon leakage. It will also encourage partner countries to establish carbon pricing policies to fight climate change.... Lire la suite


A record balance sheet for the attractiveness of foreign investment in 2021

On Monday 14 March 2022, Business France published the preliminary figures of its 2021 report on international investments in France. With 1,607 investment decisions, an increase of 32% compared to 2020, 2021 is a record year. The attractiveness of foreign investment is an essential mission of the French Treasury, in which the Economic departments abroad play an active role.... Lire la suite


Review of the Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar 2021

The German Federal Ministry of Finance and the Directorate General of the French Treasury organised the Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar 2021, which took place on 9 and 10 November 2021 in Paris. This annual seminar aims to establish links between the academic research community and public policy makers.... Lire la suite


Financing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: an initial assessment of the Tibi Initiative after 18 months

An initial review of the Tibi Initiative, issued on 7 June 2021, shows that this technology financing scheme has been a resounding success. Partner investors have pledged over €3.5 billion, and the approved investment funds account for a total of more than €18 billion.... Lire la suite


The Group of Creditors of Cuba and the Republic of Cuba agree to defer payments due under the 2015 agreement

The representatives of the Group of Creditors of Cuba and of the Government of the Republic of Cuba met in Paris on June 9, 2021 to amend the terms of the Arrangement dated 12 December 2015.... Lire la suite


France remains the most attractive country in Europe for foreign investors

The 2021 EY Attractiveness Survey for France confirms France’s position as European leader for incoming foreign investment in 2020.... Lire la suite


Publication of the implementing decree of Article 29 of the Energy-Climate Law on non-financial reporting by market players

Published in the Official Journal on May 27th 2021, the implementing decree for Article 29 of the Energy-Climate Law revises, clarifies and strengthens sustainability-related financial disclosures for market players.... Lire la suite