

How Much Investment Is Required To Reach France’s Decarbonisation Targets For 2030?

The literature provides various estimates of the additional investment in low-carbon items required in France to achieve decarbonisation targets, ranging from an extra €55 billion to €130 billion per year by 2030 – a two to five percentage point increase in GDP annually. This paper, applying a harmonised approach to these results and using supplementary figures, estimates an additional investment... Lire la suite


Un 14 juillet placé sous le thème de la durabilité en Irlande

L'implication du Service économique de Dublin dans l'organisation de la célébration de la fête nationale en Irlande a permis de mettre en avant les réalisation des entreprises françaises en matière de durabilité - dans le cadre du plan "France Nation Verte", en présence du ministre irlandais de l'Environnement, du Climat et des Communications, Eamon Ryan,... Lire la suite


A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism for the European Union

The EU plans to introduce a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to tackle carbon leakage more effectively. This phenomenon corresponds to an increase in emissions in the rest of the world as a result of the implementation of more ambitious climate policies, such as carbon pricing, by some countries. A CBAM will enhance the effectiveness of European climate policies, and needs to address lega... Lire la suite