

Carbon Pricing in Nordic Countries

Since the 1990s, Nordic countries have raised their carbon taxes and at times introduced double pricing (carbon tax and ETS allowances) with a view to achieving their national climate targets. Support measures (offsetting to preserve purchasing power, subsidies, tax exemptions) have also been implemented which have encouraged ambitious industrial solutions (low-carbon steel, bioenergy, electrifica... Lire la suite


Mésange Vert, a New Model to Assess the Impact of Economic Shocks on France’s Carbon Emissions

Net-zero transition and broader economic policy assessments aim to estimate how effective they are in achieving their economic and climate objectives. Ultimately, the aim is to compare the outcomes and minimise their costs. The new Mésange Vert module extends the scope of the Mésange macroeconometric model to include instructive and worthwhile macro-environmental policy assessment.... Lire la suite


How Much Investment Is Required To Reach France’s Decarbonisation Targets For 2030?

The literature provides various estimates of the additional investment in low-carbon items required in France to achieve decarbonisation targets, ranging from an extra €55 billion to €130 billion per year by 2030 – a two to five percentage point increase in GDP annually. This paper, applying a harmonised approach to these results and using supplementary figures, estimates an additional investment... Lire la suite