The legislative package on the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism (AML-FT) published on July 21, 2021 by the European Commission entails the creation of a new authority responsible for strengthening the European approach to this area. The future AMLA would find in Paris the ideal conditions for its installation and that of its teams.

France plays a leading role in the fight against money laundering

Paris has long had an international eco-system dedicated to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML-FT), within which the AMLA would find its place. France already hosts the European Banking Authority and the Financial Action Task Force, organizations with which the AMLA will have numerous and fruitful interactions.

The FATF's evaluation report on France, published in May 2022, also attests to the quality of the French authorities' action in the area of AML/CFT, which makes it a legitimate choice to host the headquarters of a future authority in this area.


Paris also has many assets that can promote the development and influence of the AMLA. The French capital benefits from a real estate offer that perfectly meets the needs of the future AMLA, as well as quality air and rail links that facilitate the conduct of its work with all its European and international stakeholders.

In addition, employees and their families will benefit from the depth of the international employment pool in the Paris region, as well as from an exceptional educational offer in foreign languages and an incomparable cultural and leisure offer.


Robert Ophèle to lead Paris' bid

The government has entrusted the responsibility for the bid to Robert Ophèle, who has served as Deputy Governor of the Banque de France, Chairman of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution and Chairman of the Autorité des marchés financiers.  His extensive expertise in the French and international financial sector is an obvious asset to carry France's bid.


Useful links :

France ranks among first countries effectively fighting financial crime according to the mutual evaluation conducted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)