The national strategy since 2017 is based on four main axes: a new tax environment to encourage investment, overhauling France’s social model, administrative simplification and facilitating setting up sites in France, and acceleration of the ecological transition.

The French government has embarked on a vast program of pro-business reforms,aimed at generating more solid, inclusive and sustainable growth. This national strategy is based around four themes:

  • a new tax environment to encourage investment,
  • overhauling France’s social model,
  • administrative simplification and facilitating setting up sites in France,
  • and acceleration of the ecological transition.

The pro-business reforms undertakensince 2017,combined with the widescale measures introduced by “France Relance”(“Relaunch France”), are solid assets that will enable France, and the businessesdeveloping there, to tackle the post-crisis rebound from 2020 with greater agility.