Export Finance For Future: An Initiative for Climate action
The Export Finance for Future (E3F) conference is an event due to take place on the 14th of April at the occasion of the launch of the eponymous coalition.
At the crossroads between public and private sectors, export finance can play a key role in reorienting investments patterns and catalyse private investments towards low-carbon, climate resilient projects.
Several governments including France, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United-Kingdom will be launching the Export Finance for Future (E3F) coalition and will adhere to a set of principles to better integrate climate policy objectives in public export finance.
While the awareness of this issue is rising and some countries have shown leadership in taking a first series of measures, coordinating actions between first movers will be critical to gather momentum and provide political guidance in the multilateral negotiations to come.
Join us on April 14th to discuss the future of this first mover initiative during our conference with confirmed speakers:
Vanessa HAVARD-WILLIAMS – Partner, Global Head of Environment & Climate Change, Linklaters
Katharina LATIF – Head of Reputation Strategy and Analytics, former Head of Corporate Responsibility, Allianz Group
Thomas STERNER – Professor of environmental economics, University of Gothenburg
Philippe DELLEUR – Senior Vice President Public Affairs, Alstom
16:00 (CET) Presentation of the E3F coalition & takeaways of Ministers’ discussion
16:15 pm (CET) Roundtable on Export Finance and Climate
17:15 pm (CET) Closing remarks
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