Call for Papers : 2024 Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar
L'édition 2024 du Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar (FPS) se tiendra les 9 et 10 décembre à Berlin.
Call for papers
The German Federal Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2024 Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar (FPS), which will take place in Berlin on 9-10th of December 2024.
The annual FPS aims to bridge the gap between academic research and policy-making and is jointly offered by the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.
This year's topic is:
“Fiscal sustainability and fiscal rules in uncertain times”
European economies are facing various challenges, including but not limited to demography, climate change, geopolitical tensions that go along with i.a. increasing military expenditure as well as higher interest rate expenditure.
These challenges put pressure on the solidity and sustainability of public finances. After the fiscal expansion during the latest crises, debt ratios increased rapidly in many countries. Hence, implementing adequate policy responses
for tackling the challenges ahead while ensuring the solidity and sustainability of public finances and safeguarding economic growth becomes crucial. Therefore, the role of fiscal rules, not only in national law but also in light of the new EU fiscal rules, is debated in the public and academia.
The aim of the 2024 Franco-German FPS is to present cutting-edge academic work that can contribute to a better understanding of this challenging outlook and to inform policymakers about appropriate responses in favour of solid and sustainable public finances and growth.
Featuring a policy panel and a keynote address, the FPS further aims to facilitate discussions and the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
We are especially interested in submissions covering topics that include, but are not limited to, the following issues:
- Appropriately addressing budgetary challenges such as demographic change, climate change, increased military spending needs and higher interest expenditure within fiscal policy
- Reform of the EU fiscal rules and their potential impact on public finances and growth
- The role of fiscal policy to account for increased political and economic uncertainty
- Fostering public investments and providing adequate frameworks for private investments
Both theoretical and empirical submissions are welcome. We invite papers in English to be submitted by 14th October 2024 to:
We kindly ask you to use the subject line: “Submission for 2024 Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar”.
Authors of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be notified in November. This year's Chair of the Scientific Committee will be Prof. Klaus Adam from the University of Mannheim.
Travel and hotel expenses of invited speakers (one per selected paper) will be covered by the German Federal Ministry of Finance.