In reaction to the Covid 19 pandemy, FRANCE has launched as soon as March 2020 an action plan to support and assist businesses impacted by the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), as well as protect employment as well as our health system and to allow a swift economic recovery.

It includes the immediate application of emergency measures that aim to:
• Guarantee the widest economic continuity possible while ensuring the health security
of employees,
• Safeguard employment and competencies,
• Preserve companies’ financial health, from SMEs to large groups, both in terms of
treasury and financing requirements,
• Adapt the specific measures to each line of business when necessary.

All these  support measures are  open to foreign investors in France
Your contacts  :
  • On line informations regularly updated :

-Government’s website very regularly in order to obtain up-to-date information:

-The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, with the support of the concerned administrations, has implemented an online help tool updated daily:

-In order to inform companies and employees in real time, the Ministry of Labor has published the following document, which is updated frequently:

-Business France makes also available for international companies and their subsidiaries in France an online FAQ regarding the social environment, the protection of workers as well as financial measures:

  • Dedicated contact points have been set up to support companies facing economic difficulties linked to the COVID-19 epidemic :

-for any question, companies can contact the General Directorate of Companies (Ministry of Economy and Finance) via the following address: 

-for help with administrative procedures, companies are invited to get in touch with the SPOC (single point of contact) of the DIRECCTE in the region where their company is located (

- a toll-free number (0 969 370 240)  to guide companies for cash flow issues in relation with BPI.

  • All Business France teams, in France and abroad, are ready to answer your questions from international companies, subsidiaries in France and international talents :


In France:
Information and contact for investors:
Information and contact for international talents:


You will find the detailled information in the document enclosed here after