Invest in France : useful information for foreign investors
In reaction to the Covid 19 pandemy, FRANCE has launched as soon as March 2020 an action plan to support and assist businesses impacted by the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19), as well as protect employment as well as our health system and to allow a swift economic recovery.
It includes the immediate application of emergency measures that aim to:
• Guarantee the widest economic continuity possible while ensuring the health security
of employees,
• Safeguard employment and competencies,
• Preserve companies’ financial health, from SMEs to large groups, both in terms of
treasury and financing requirements,
• Adapt the specific measures to each line of business when necessary.
All these support measures are open to foreign investors in France
Your contacts :
- On line informations regularly updated :
-Government’s website very regularly in order to obtain up-to-date information:
-The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, with the support of the concerned administrations, has implemented an online help tool updated daily:
-In order to inform companies and employees in real time, the Ministry of Labor has published the following document, which is updated frequently:
-Business France makes also available for international companies and their subsidiaries in France an online FAQ regarding the social environment, the protection of workers as well as financial measures:
- Dedicated contact points have been set up to support companies facing economic difficulties linked to the COVID-19 epidemic :
-for any question, companies can contact the General Directorate of Companies (Ministry of Economy and Finance) via the following address:
-for help with administrative procedures, companies are invited to get in touch with the SPOC (single point of contact) of the DIRECCTE in the region where their company is located (
- a toll-free number (0 969 370 240) to guide companies for cash flow issues in relation with BPI.
- All Business France teams, in France and abroad, are ready to answer your questions from international companies, subsidiaries in France and international talents :
In France:
Information and contact for investors:
Information and contact for international talents:
You will find the detailled information in the document enclosed here after