France at the CEATEC
The CEATEC (Combined Exposition of Advanced Technologies) is the leading technology trade fair in Japan. It aims to create business opportunities and facilitate information exchange across a wide range of stakeholders of the Tech industry, while facilitating the advent of the “Society 5.0” championed by the Japanese Government and helping to solve social issues through technology.
French companies turn out in large numbers at CEATEC 2018, showcasing French technological expertise including across a large spectrum of industrial activities
France was under the spotlight with a strong presence at CEATEC 2018, with a dedicated France Pavilion in the Co-creation Park and no less than 16 companies exhibiting on the salon. They gave rotating pitch presentations to visitors and during a special event under the theme “Assets of French Technology”.
The active participation of these companies displayed French expertise in the field of innnovation, digital and industry. Especially, the entire value chain was represented. It is worth mentioning a strong showing in robotics where France benefited from its good positioning in software to deliver a powerful impression in Japan, the world leading country for robots.
Source : ロボスタ - ロボット情報WEBマガジン :
The Ambassador of France, Mr Laurent Pic, visited the Pavilion on Tuesday, October 16. He was greeted by Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Economy and Industry Akimasa Ichikawa and JEITA president Masaki Sakuyama at a welcome ceremony where all three gave short speeches celebrating France-Japan cooperation in the field of new technologies.
Mr Laurent Pic met with representatives of each French exhibitors on their booth. He also toured the Pavilion together with Minister of Economy and Industry Hiroshige Seko, who discussed with several French innovative companies representatives.
French representatives of industry and public officials actively participated in the majors events of CEATEC 2018
Mr. Philippe Forestier, Founding Member and Global affairs special adviser of Dassault Systèmes, talked on open innovation, education and other subjects of interest during the opening Global Symposium on Monday, October 15, along with BDI chairman Dieter Kempf, JEITA chairman Masaki Sakuyama and Salesforce CEO Parker Harris. He also introduced the French strategy to develop the Industry of the Future in France and the efforts of the Alliance Industrie du Futur (AIF) to transform the economic patterns of the French industrial companies and modernize their productive assets through digitization. He later joined the Japanese Minister of Economy and Industry Hiroshige Seko on the stage as a special guest during the opening ceremony of CEATEC 2018.
The economic department of the Embassy of France also took part in several seminars and panel discussions during CEATEC 2018, on subjects such as the education of human resources in the Tech industry, transborders data flows and regulations, and international cooperation in the context of the hosting of G7 by France and G20 by Japan in 2019. Especially, it gave a presentation on the pioneering tuition-free and teacher-free coding school Ecole 42 (School 42) which recently built up on its success in France by opening a Silicon Valley campus.
Below is a list of participating French companies with a short motto / message to the Japanese public:
WeAre: “Let’s build together the next success stories”
Dassault Systemes: “Dassault Systemes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Lab Startup Accelerator Program enables startups to reduce the gap between ideation and product, while extending and improving the real world with sustainable and social innovation. It benefits Japanese startups to design, simulate, build and deliver their products and services in a highly customized way for both local Japanese customers and international markets. ”
Valeo: “Valeo leads the three revolutions of Mobility: Electrification, Digitalization and Autonomous Driving.”
Bluefrogrobotics: “WE WANT EVERYONE TO ADOPT HIS PERSONAL EMOTIONAL ROBOT! Challenge achieved as BUDDY is the first emotional companion robot to hit the market this year! Japan is a front runner for the growth of its aging population. BUDDY is undoubtedly the ideal companion for providing individuals with a high quality of life and social well-being.”
Dracula Technologies: “Dracula Technologies has created LAYER®, organic photovoltaic cells by inkjet printing. LAYER® is efficient to answer batteries’ problematics for IoT. It makes sense to present our innovative technology at Japanese major which are at the cutting-edge of the electronic market. ”
Hoomano: “Artificial Intelligence to enable everyone to interact instinctively with technology.”
Ironova: “EmotionSense : Emotions at the heart of technology"
Manutech: “Manutech USD : Europe largest femtosecond laser platform for the industry. Dream a surface, Manutech design it gor you.”
Nanomakers: “Nanomakers produces patented silicon based nanopowders for material reinforcement : they double the anode energy density of Li-ion batteries and disruptively improve the mechanical properties of elastomers, metal alloys and ceramics. Nanomakers nanopowders are very attractive for the Japanese market : here, world leaders in the field of materials highly appreciate our best-in-class innovative nano-additives.”
Norimat: “Flash production of high-performance materials”
Secure IC: “Thanks to its technical excellence and its experience securing devices for customers in many vertical markets all over the world, Secure-IC hopes to help Japan towards a more secure connected society, with the goal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics”
Sigfox: “Sigfox, the world’s leading IoT service provider, is a reality in Japan with our Sigfox Operator, Kyocera Communication Systems (KCCS). From Kyushu to Hokkaido, let’s make things come alive! ”
NCSIMUL: “NCSIMUL for Intelligent CNC Machining – The Best Solutions to increase the productivity of your CNC Machines!”
Sparkup: “Sparkup revolutionizes the way of working in Japan with its digital platform of intercation and collaboration”
STIL: “STIL offers smart sensing solutions to improve productivity & quality control in major industries.”
Uwinlock: “UWINLOC is the first and unique solution enabling to locate what matters to you with a battery-less tag!”